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Deborah Schmidt

My journey with the art and science of Reflexology has been an interesting one, and I have found that Reflexology has profound wellness and wellbeing outcomes.

Image of Deborah giving an impromptu treatment

Wellness is a positive approach to living and is the integration of the mind, body and spirit and the understanding that everything you do, think, feel and believe has an impact on your state of health.

The secret of wellness is not in a 'Medical Model' but lies within consistent self-care. A 'Wellness Model' encourages one to take responsibility for one's own wellbeing. There exists in the human body an innate capacity for self-regulation and healing.

I have found Reflexology to be a progression in the healing arts and a modality that promotes balance and well-being for the individual which enables one's body to heal naturally.

Other Qualifications

I have also studied and have certificates in - Herbal Medicine, Bach Flower Remedies, Hot Stone Massage, Lymphedema Management ('Foldi Method', Mt Wilga Private Hospital NSW) and Bowen technique.

Professional Memberships

I am a Professional financial member of AHPRA (Australian Health Professional Registration Authority), ATMS (Australian Traditional Medicine Society) and the Reflexology Association of Australia. I also have Professional certification of 'Working with Children' criminal check, NSW.

My therapeutic sessions include:

All treatment sessions $70 call for appointment or discussion on Mob : 0408 897 340

(A mobile home service is also available on request.)

© Amore Blooms 2013